Mandala  is the Sanskrit word that means circle, a geometric representation of the dynamic relationship between man and the cosmos. In fact, every mandala is the plastic and visual exposition of the return to unity through the delimitation of a sacred space and the updating of a divine time. In primitive societies, the cosmic cycle, which had the image of a circular trajectory (circumference), was identified as the year. The symbolism of the sanctity and eternity of the temple appears clearly in the mandalic structure of the sanctuaries of all ages and civilizations. Since the architectural plan of the temple is the work of the gods and is located in the center very close to them, this sacred place is free from all earthly corruption. Hence the association of temples with cosmic mountains and the function they play in connecting Earth and Heaven. As an example, we have the enormous construction of the Borobudur temple, in Java, Indonesia. Other examples that we can cite are the Christian basilicas and cathedrals of the early Church, conceived as an imitation of that of Celestial Jerusalem, representing an ordered image of the cosmos, of the world. The mandala as a symbol of the center of the world shapes not only cities, temples and royal palaces, but also the most modest human habitation. The home of primitive populations is commonly built around a central post and puts its inhabitants in contact with the three levels of existence: lower, middle and upper. Dwelling for him is not just a shelter, but the creation of the world that he, imitating the divine gestures, must maintain and renew. Thus, the mandala represents for man his inner shelter where a reunion with God is allowed. A very typical Brazilian example of a mandala, from architecture, is the upper plan of the Brasília Cathedral. In terms of plastic arts, the mandala always presents a great profusion of colors and represents an object or figure that helps with concentration to reach other levels of contemplation. There is a lot of symbology involved and a wide variety of designs depending on their origin. Originally created in chalk, mandalas are a sacred space for meditation. They are currently made with sand originating in India. Normally divided into four sections, it is intended to be an exercise in meditation and contemplation. The purpose of art in Tibetan Buddhist culture is to reinforce the Four Noble Truths. Mandalas are considered extremely important for preparing initiators of Buddhism, in order to prepare them to study the meaning of enlightenment. The process of building a mandala is a form of constant meditation. It is a very slow process, with meticulous movements. The great benefit for those who meditate from the mandala lies in the fact that they mentally imagine it constructed into a detailed three-dimensional structure. In the process of constructing a mandala, art becomes a religious ceremony and religion becomes art. When the mandala is finished, it appears as an extremely colorful construction. After the cycle is dismantled, the sand is generally deposited in the water. Only a part is saved and offered to participants. A monk begins the destruction by drawing circular lines with his finger, then scattering the sand and placing it in an urn. When all the sand is collected, they erase the lines that served as a guide for the construction and dump the sand into the river waters.

Functions of the Mandala

The function of  MANDALA  can be directed towards self-knowledge and spiritual development, personal prosperity, to attract harmonious relationships, to harmonization between human elements such as couples, partners, parents and children... We suggest it for relationships to prosper (Mandala of Love with the Stone Rose Quartz) as well as to achieve material, professional and/or business success. THE  RELATIONSHIP MANDALA  can be used to capture emotional energy, harmonize the relationship and transform negative vibrations into positive ones, as well as to alleviate difficulties in relationships. It is based on the dates of birth of the two people - couple, partners, father and son, etc. - and can also be developed with more than one person in mind, as in the case of harmonizing the environment and family relationships with several members or a company with several partners. Using Feng Shui, the Personal Mandala can be placed in the Relationships sector according to the result provided by the Ba-Guá. The mandala can be used to decorate environments, in architecture, or as an instrument for personal and spiritual development. The mandala can restore inner and outer health. We can use a mandala for emotional healing, which will reflect positively on our physical state, and thus we will be healthier and more vigorous. We can also use a mandala to heal environments, such as family and work, or to prepare a special space, where you will meditate or undergo healing sessions, such as massage, Reiki, astrological, psychotherapy, clinical care.


Archetype of totality and eternity. It represents the divine perfection and perpetuity of God. The circle or disc is an emblem of the solar type. Along with the wheel and the sphere, it also symbolizes psychic dynamism, the manifested world, the internal unity of matter, everything that is precise and regular; universal harmony. Simple: infinity, the universe, totality; with dot in the cent: the first manifestation of the divine creative principle; divided (by a horizontal straight line): the first division of the Divine Principle into two opposite and complementary polarities (masculine and feminine); with a cross inside: the moment of creation, when the masculine principle permeates the feminine; with triangle inside: the spiritual or ternary principle within the totality; with square inside: the material or quaternary principle within the totality.
The circle:
A line without beginning or end, a symbol of eternity. It always exists in a mandala, as it is this shape that creates its field of vibration. It separates sacred space from profane space. By delimiting a space, everything inside it is strengthened and protected. Delimits the space of action of the invoked energies. Jung relates it to a “protective or enchanted circle” in numerous cultures. A mandala can, however, contain many circles inside, they suggest that some aspect of the person deserves to be protected, emphasized or released. The symbolism of the circle is to indicate God's area of ​​action, the scope of his power, which radiates in all directions, being unlimited. He is the symbol of heaven. An empty center denotes openness to change.
“Scientific investigations allowed artists to discover a new reality. Magnified a thousand times by the microscope, the infinitely tiny plants and animals contained in a drop of water become new pictorial motifs and allow the development of a decorative art.” Fernand Léger